Jackpot Juicer

Dance Gavin Dance

"Jackpot Juicer" album by Dance Gavin Dance

Release Date: 

July 29, 2022

Track List: 

1. "Untitled 2"
2. "Cream Of The Crop"
3. "Synergy" (featuring Rob Damiani)
4. "Holy Ghost Spirit"
5. "For The Jeers"
6. "Ember"
7. "Pop Off!"
8. "One Man's Cringe"
9. "Feels Bad Man"
10. "Die Another Day"
11. "Two Secret Weapons"
12. "Polka Dot Dobbins"
13. "Long Nights In Jail"
14. "Back On Deck"
15. "Current Events"
16. "Pray To God For Your Mother"
17. "Swallowed By Eternity"
18. "Have A Great Life"

Chart information for:

Chart History

Chart DatePosition

Peak Position: #8
Number of Weeks in Top 50: 1