Greetings From...Jake

Jake Owen

"Greetings From...Jake" album by Jake Owen

Release Date: 

March 29, 2019

Track List: 

1. "Down To The Honkytonk"
2. "Ain't Here To Talk"
3. "Catch A Cold One"
4. "I Was Jack (You Were Diane)"
5. "Grass Is Always Greener" (featuring Kid Rock)
6. "Homemade"
7. "Drink All Day"
8. "That's On Me"
9. "Señorita" (featuring Lele Pons)
10. "In It"
11. "River Of Time"
12. "Made For You"
13. "Mexico In Our Minds"
14. "Damn"

Chart information for:

This album did not or has not yet charted in the top 50