Georgica Pond


"Georgica Pond" album by Johnnyswim

Release Date: 

October 14, 2016

Track List: 

1. "Welcome To Georgica Pond"
2. "Hummingbird"
3. "Summertime Romance"
4. "Villains"
5. "Touching Heaven"
6. "Georgica Pond"
7. "Let It Matter"
8. "First Try"
9. "In My Arms"
10. "Lonely Night In Georgia" (feat. Vince Gill)
11. "Drunks"
12. "Say Goodnight Instead"
13. "Rescue You"
14. "Wicked Game"

Chart information for:

Chart History

Chart DatePosition

Peak Position: #34
Number of Weeks in Top 50: 1