Songs Of Kristofferson

Kris Kristofferson

"Songs Of Kristofferson" album

Track List: 

Side one
1. "The Silver-Tongued Devil"
2. "Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again)"
3. "Me And Bobby McGee"
4. "Help Me Make It Through The Night"
5. "For The Good Times"
6. "Sunday Morning Comin' Down"
Side two
1. "You Show Me Yours (And I'll Show You Mine)"
2. "The Pilgrim: Chapter 33 (Hang In, Hopper)"
3. "Stranger"
4. "I Got A Life Of My Own"
5. "Why Me"
6. "Who's To Bless And Who's To Blame"

Chart information for:

Chart History

Chart DatePosition

Peak Position: #45
Number of Weeks in Top 50: 3