Live And Dangerous

Thin Lizzy

"Live And Dangerous" album by Thin Lizzy

Release Date: 

June 2, 1978

Track List: 

Side one
1. "Jailbreak"
2. "Emerald"
3. "Southbound"
4. "Rosalie / Cowgirl's Song"
Side two
1. "Dancing In The Moonlight (It's Caught Me In Its Spotlight)"
2. "Massacre"
3. "Still In Love With You"
4. "Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed"
Side three
1. "Cowboy Song"
2. "The Boys Are Back In Town"
3. "Don't Believe A Word"
4. "Warriors"
5. "Are You Ready"
Side four
1. "Suicide"
2. "Sha La La"
3. "Baby Drives Me Crazy"
4. "The Rocker"

Chart information for:

Chart History

Chart DatePosition

Peak Position: #84
Number of Weeks in Top 50: 3