The Babys

The Babys Albums

On The Edge#711980
Union Jacks#421980
Head First#221979
Broken Heart#341977

The Babys Singles

Turn And Walk Away#421980
Midnight Rendezvous#721980
Back On My Feet Again#331980
Head First#771979
Every Time I Think Of You#131979
Silver Dreams#531978
Isn't It Time#131977
If You've Got The Time#881977

When viewing the data, keep in mind that it starts on January 8, 1977, using the Hot 100 and Billboard 200 charts.
Album data is mostly from the top 50 of the album chart, but also includes the top 100 from Jan 8, 1977- Dec 19, 1981 & Nov 27, 2021 - present.