The Unheavenly Creatures

Coheed & Cambria

"The Unheavenly Creatures" album by Coheed & Cambria

Release Date: 

October 5, 2018

Track List: 

1. "Prologue"
2. "The Dark Sentencer"
3. "Unheavenly Creatures"
4. "Toys"
5. "Black Sunday"
6. "Queen Of The Dark"
7. "True Ugly"
8. "Love Protocol"
9. "The Pavilion (A Long Way Back)"
10. "Night-Time Walkers"
11. "The Gutter"
12. "All On Fire"
13. "It Walks Among Us"
14. "Old Flames"
15. "Lucky Stars"

Chart information for:

Chart History

Chart DatePosition

Peak Position: #14
Number of Weeks in Top 50: 1