Cherry Baby


"Cherry Baby" by Starz



I've been trying for a long, long time
Just to capture you inside a rhyme
How to keep you here inside with me
Till they say that I can be set free

Oh, don't you know
I'm never gonna ever let you go
Cause you're so sweet
I've got to have you Cherry
Mmmmm, Cherry baby
Cherry, Cherry, oh yeah
Cherry, Cherry baby
Cherry, Cherry oh

When the master key has locked the gate
I lay down my weary head and wait
My dreams fly across the endless miles
Then I see your precious eyes a while

Oh don't you see
You're never gonna get away from me
Cause you're so sweet
I've got to have you Cherry
Cherry baby
Cherry, Cherry oh yeah
Cherry, Cherry baby
Cherry, Cherry oh

Til they say that I am free and clear
This old heart of mine will keep you near
I just pray you won't forget me here
Cause you're my soul, my pretty little Cherry
Cherry baby
Cherry baby, Cherry oh yeah
Cherry, Cherry baby
Cherry, Cherry, oh

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Chart History

Chart DatePosition

Peak Position: #33
Number of Weeks on Chart: 5